Coconut Laser Cutting Machine

coconut laser cutting machine

A can be used for various purposes. These include cutting, perforating, engraving, and engrave the LOGO characters. The laser cutting process is harmless to coconuts and will not affect the taste or life of the coconut. Various colors, designs, and logos can be cut using different types of laser cutting machines. Besides, the can automatically adjust the depth of processing. With its unique design, it does not affect the food inside the coconut shell.

The HM-Y6 series of coconut laser cutting machines incorporates the laser while cutting. It is important to note that the laser does not make any contact with the coconut, thus eliminating any waste from the process. This machine also enables users to increase productivity by up to 200%. The power consumption of the coconut laser cutting machine can be adjusted as per the preference of the user. The higher the hardness of the coconut, the higher the power consumption. You can also regulate power consumption to lower your power bill.